MakersItaly, the three days fair dedicated to the new concept of making, has closed sunday evening: the italian community of makers is growing and is healty. Many people, mainly makers as well as curious, visited this very important fair for the italian DIY movement. The slogan of the fair was “don’t be bored……. do something!” which well represent the spirit of the italian makers who was there. Every day all around the world analysts are more convinced about the importance of the innovation and the new business models of this revolution which can be a great opportunity for the ones who want to use their own skills to trasform the passion in business. Not everyone can or is interested in turning this passion into an advantageous business; anyway these skills are definitely a good way to spread knowledge. Words cannot be explicit like the pictures, so we want to show you the most important things we seen at makersItaly through our pictures:
Talking about italian makers, we can’t forget the famous italian style. This is an amazing example of how fashion and technology can meet togheter in a perfect mix:
There is a project that has catched the attention of many visitors: Low cost Unmanned Solar Aircraft or LUSA, a drone designed and made by two young italian engineering students who wanted to put in practice their skills and the knowledge acquired during their studies at Politecnico di Milano. Their solar aircraft is a well done example of what means to be a maker: they have designed and made the structure, modified the electronics available on the market in order to have exactly the object they had in mind. Congratulations guys for your work!
Finally we want to remember to everybody that there was no tecnology, never mind if you do that only for passion or for job, if there were no passionate people. Thank you to all the makers who share their knowledge and their skills worldwide!