Microchip and element14 designed a very useful board which will add more power to your Raspberry Pi. The chipKIT Pi board has been developed in order to allow users to create advanced applications like touch sensing, audio processing and sophisticated control, thanks to the powerful PIC32MX250F128B. The board is compatible with Arduino and can be easily programmed with the free chipKIT™ Multi-Platform IDE (MPIDE) that can be hosted on the Raspberry Pi. Continue reading
Category Archives: Eaglecad
Eaglecad 6.4.0: the new LTspice IV import/export capabilities
Eaglecad 6.4.0 has been released and now we have available a very useful feature: we can import and export schematics and libraries between Eaglecad and LT SPICE IV with a single mouse click. As usual Eaglecad is available for windows, linux and mac; you can download the latest version for your operating system here: http://www.cadsoftusa.com/download-eagle/?language=en
The first thing you’ll see after update to the latest Eaglecad version is the LTC SPICE icon, visible on the right in the “Command texts” bar:
Let’s see a simple example which shows a simple solid state digitally controlled delayed switch:
How to use EAGLE CAD to create your own open hardware Arduino’s shield
This Article has been published by Open Electronics: http://www.open-electronics.org/how-to-make-an-arduino-shield-with-eagle-cad-tutorial/
You can find the original italian version on Elettronica In N°164 (http://www.elettronicain.it/).
Special thanks to Boris Landoni, Open Electronics’ administrator.
There are many CAD developed to assist the electronic designers during drawing of PCBs and schematics; often they are integrated in complete suite to project, simulate and realize a whole electronic system. Besides the many commercial versions, there are also free CADs available. Today we’d like to analyze one of the most diffused and known software: Eaglecad (eagle does not mean the powerful bird but it is the acronym of Easily Applicable Graphical Layout Editor) made by Cadsoft, actually at version 6.4.0. We have chosen this one because, as you know as an Arduino’s fan, the official pcbs and schematic files of the boards are developed and available free of charge to everybody in Eaglecad format; you can find also a lot of libraries and circuits made by famous DIY website (Sparkfun for first) available for free. Continue reading