Smart charger and 5V portable power supply


SMART CHARGERNowadays almost every electronic gadgets are powered or recharged by a USB port (full size, mini o micro) as well as many of consumer products we use every day, including our smartphone. To recharge or give power to such products, there are many portable rechargers which have a rechargeable lithium battery and the electronics necessary to convert the battery voltage to 5V and to recharge the internal cell. The cost of these smart chargers is very affordable but we’re hardware makers, aren’t we? So why don’t to do it by ourselves to give power to our Raspberry Pi, arduino or Beaglebone black? We’ll show you a possible way to design one of these intelligent portable power supply. Continue reading

ChipKIT Pi

chipKIT_PiMicrochip and element14 designed a very useful board which will add more power to your Raspberry Pi. The chipKIT Pi board has been developed in order to allow users to create advanced applications like touch sensing, audio processing and sophisticated control, thanks to the powerful PIC32MX250F128B. The board is compatible with Arduino and can be easily programmed with the free chipKIT™ Multi-Platform IDE (MPIDE) that can be hosted on the Raspberry Pi. Continue reading

Blink without delay: Microchip PIC12F683 and 4 leds


Microchip is one of the most important MCU manufacturer and in our opinion this company produces the best price to performance ratio 8, 16 and 32 bit microcontrollers available on the market. Today we wanna show you how to blink three leds without using the delay macros available in the xc8 compiler “__delay_ms()” and “__delay_us()”. Both delay macros can be very helpful but sometimes it is better to use interrupts instead of to waste CPU cycles with polling. We use a microchip PIC 12F683 ( to show you how to use Timer0 to perform more than one operation (apparently) at the same time. Continue reading